For the past few years, Ashenafi struggled to see clearly. At school, he sat in the front row to ensure he could see the blackboard, but more recently, even sitting right at the front didn't help. As a result, Ashenafi often depended on his friends to let him copy them.
Ashenafi attended the hospital, got his eyes checked, and received a prescription for eyeglasses. But unfortunately, Ashenafi's family could not afford to purchase the glasses.A couple of months ago, the local optometrist (Tariku) held a screening day at Ashenafi's school after the teacher, trained in basic eye care by Orbis, recognised several students in the school were struggling with their vision. Ashenafi was among the screened students, and finally, he received his first pair of eyeglasses – free of charge.
Ashenafi's story shows how sometimes easy solutions, such as proving glasses, can change the world. By providing eyeglasses to Ashenafi, he could continue his education and enjoy school with his friends.